Call for articles
The SCOLAS Journal invites submission of original, unpublished articles on Latin American Studies from all relevant fields, including but not limited to: History, Political Science, Literature, Linguistics, Anthropology, Art, Sociology, Music, Geography, and Pedagogy; as well as creative works, such as short fiction or poetry.
Current membership in SCOLAS is not required for submission, but will be required if the article is accepted for publication. Articles may be in English, Spanish, or Portuguese. The call for articles is ongoing, but submissions to be considered for the next volume must be received by October 1 of each year.
Article Submissions
All submissions of articles for considerations should be sent as Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx) file attachments via email to: Message subject headings should indicate the following: SCOLAS Submission Your Name and (Area). Example: SCOLAS Submission José García (Literature)
First Page: The first page should include the following: Name, Institutional Affiliation, Mailing address, Telephone, E-mail address, Title of Submission
Second page: Title of the article on the first line, Write a concise summary (200 words or less) of the content.
Article: Begin article on the third page, including the title on the first line. Please do not include your name anywhere within your article. Do not include your name in a page header. Any references to your previous publications should be in third-person. Readers should not be aware of the identity of the author. Articles should be between 4000 – 7,500 words.
Typing Conventions:
- Please only use Times, Times New Roman, or Cambria font, in 12-point size.
- Single space the article body, using double space above and below subtitles and blocked quotes.
- Use only one space after all punctuation.
- Do not justify right margin.
- Do not hyphenate.
- Use endnotes. Do not use footnotes.
- Use Italics, do not underline.
- Use the Style Sheet for your discipline, and indicate which one you use within your email.
- Save the article as: ShortTitle.LastName.doc (or.docx)
Example: BrazilianFilm.JoséGarcía.doc (or.docx)
- Save the Works Cited list separately, but send in the same email, saved with the same title, including WC, to indicate Works Cited as follows:
Example: BrazilianFilm.JoséGarcía.WC.doc (or.docx)
Creative Writing Submissions: To submit original, unpublished work for submission, please send all inquiries to: Dr. Juan Carlos Ureña, at